About Me
Hey everyone! My name is Andrew and I am a Hamilton real estate investor from Toronto, Ontario.
I grew up working in construction in Toronto with my father and brother from the age of 16. I got an early taste of what it was like to wake up at 5 every morning during summers, commute 1.5 hours to and from work just to break my back doing 10-12 hour days, 6 days a week for minimum wage.
The best thing about it was that I was able to learn a great deal doing a wide variety of renovations and problem solving giving me a broad range of skills and understanding to tackle ANY property based issue you can think of.
But anybody who has ever worked a job with long hours and mediocre pay knows the feeling of not wanting that to be how they live the rest of their lives.
My mother saw how hard I was working and didn’t want me breaking my back like that forever, so she taught me about real estate investing and helped me get in as soon as I was 18. This was by far the BEST thing to ever happen to me. I had enough money to buy a car, but instead, I used it as a downpayment on a house. The rest… was easy.
Though it was quite the struggle, my brother and I purchased one beat-up property after another, renovating each one ourselves, turning old distressed homes into top of the line rentals while taking on construction jobs in between.
Today, I’m partnered with some AMAZING people operating an investment group to help real estate investors buy and develop stable rental properties, managing nearly 800 tenancies across Hamilton.
Now I’m looking to broaden my network and give back, just like how others were there to help me! So if you’re looking to develop yourself through work in real estate and want to talk shop, reach out and I’d be happy to chat!
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